Celebrity Forum

Celebrity Forum


Our Celebrity Forum is a viral blogging platform that will allow our users to interact with each other while posting celebrity and other content that they wish to promote on our forum. Our celeb forum provides many features that our users can use.

Celebrity Forum is a great way to increase traffic to your blog or website because celebrity related content tends to be the most viral content online. Best Celebrity Forum Online !

Celeb Fan Forum

This celebrity forum has been optimized with plenty of categories so that your topics can target specific keywords. Receive traffic from the hottest sources such as Google and Yahoo search engines by using Celebrity Forum viral blogging platform.

When you promote your own articles on Celebrity Forum, your users become more engaged and you get increased shares of your articles and pictures. Sign up for Celebrity Forum today.

Discuss Your Favorite Celebrities & Latest News
Celebrity Forum makes becoming popular fun! Post viral & latest celeb gossip on celeb forum and acquire readers and get conversions. Make friends on Celebrity Forum who are interested in the same celebrities and things that interest you. Celebrity Forum is geared towards anyone interested in writing celebrity articles and posts. We talk about more than celebrities on Celeb Gossip. We believe that people who like to blog about celebs should be able to blog about anything.
If you are a true fan then stars appreciate when you spread the word about their latest projects they are involved in. Celebrities also like it when fans keep their name mentioned. Once you write your topics, watch as they soar in search engine results, making it possible for your favorite celebs to see your posts about them.
Ask your friends to share your topics on their Facebook and Twitter pages. This will help your topics on Celebrity Forum achieve a viral-like effect.
Make your own group right here on our celebrity forum. This group can be about whatever you want and everyone in the group can team up and promote each others articles together. Know other people who like to blog or have websites?
Invite them to join Celebrity Forum so together you can discuss celebrities, promote each others articles and make new friends on NubianPlanet.com.
Make money on Nubian Planet with Lottery Pools. Write articles about celebrities on our celebrity forum. Not only is writing about celebrities fun, but you can get paid for it too! 

Celebrity Forum Is The Go-To-Spot For Up To Date Celebrity Information Written By The Celebrity Fans.

Besides giving up-to-date information about celebrities on our forum, our fans keep each other abreast with current information that is being shared on the celebrity forum during anytime. With this type of celebrity buzz, we can assure that our information is being constantly updated and current.
Celeb News - Celebrity Forum Gives You The Hottest Celebrity News & Events.
Hot Models - Celebrity Forum loves to assist models with promotion and let them post their hottest pics on our forum.
Contests - We are always thinking of contests and promotional activities to keep people talking about Celebrity Forum and excited and interested in the worlds hottest celebrity forum ever!
Singers - We love to help promote talented singers and musicians of the like on our celebrity forum. Everyone should have a chance to be famous.
News Anchors - If you have your own YouTube channel or were thinking about getting one, we will support you 100 percent and increase views to your channel by promoting you on our celebrity forum for free. Contact us for details.
Celeb Gossip - If you can find juicy topics, we dont' care if you can back it up or not. Post topics on the latest buzz you heard or post latest Celeb Pictures you found swimming around the net and would be perfect on Celebrity Forum.
Celebrity Forum is the best place to get celebrity gossip. Keep yourself abreast with the latest tweets, comments, blogs and videos about celebrities in the news.
Promote models on our celebrity forum so they can get more exposure online and people will start conversations about them.
Have a friend that sings, acts, raps? YOU have the power to be their personal agent and send them thousands of visitors to your topic on Celebrity Forum! Don't just write about the celebs, but you can help make them.

Celebrities In The News

Those darn celebrities are always doing something interesting to get our attention and keep us interested.
One thing the diva known as Jill Scott did was manage to shed 60 pounds, and look a hell of a lot better too.

The Best Celebrity Gossip

Everyone knows that you can't spell celebrity gossip without great actors such as Morgan Freeman.
And lately, Mr. Freeman and his granddaughter has given us much to speculate on.

Celeb Gossip loves to promote hot and unknown models. Let's face fact. . . there are so many beautiful women in the world and we all love beautiful women. We feel that they should have an opportunity to be seen just like the celebs.
Simply go to our Facebook page and like any pictures of models you see on the page. The hottest ones that have a sufficient amount of likes will be featured on CelebGossip.net ongoing.

Celeb Gossip understands that there are beautiful women all over the planet but they just haven't had their big break yet. So we feel compelled to do our part in seeing that they get one.

Facebook Page

Simply post pictures and get likes. We do stories on most popular pics.

Post Hottest Pics

Your pics could possibly be seen all over the world so don't post garbage.

Get Famous.


Hear Anything Interesting?

Please inform us and let us know about anything new and exciting.

Celeb Buzz

We are always interested in what you think is news.

Hit Us Up

We want to know about any gossip you know about.
We take our celebrity informants very seriously and if you think it should be news, we probably will too.

Join NubianPlanet.com

Nubian Planet is the hottest celebrity forum in the world.

Make Friends

Nubian Planet is a friendly community of online fans and reporters.

Be Heard

Nubian Planet has a wide range of topics that are searchable online.

Celebrity Gossip

Blog about anything and gain a following.

Become A Reporter For Us

It's so easy to become a reporter and report gossip.

Make Celebrities Famous

Celeb Gossip allows you to make who you want, famous.

Get Your Own Following

Once you work with us, it's easier than ever to get fans.

Get Discovered

Whether you want fame or to be a journalist, join our team.

Celeb Gossip | Celebrity News

What is A Celeb Forum?


Celebrity Forum is a term that describes news about celebrities.  If you have ever wanted to stay current and up to date on what celebrities are doing and learning about the latest types of information involving celebrities, then you definitely want to go to an online celebrity magazine and get insightful and current information on celebrities. We provide stories, pictures and trending facts about celebrity forum events as well as groundbreaking news about celebrities. It's what we do. We also have a celebrity forum where we encourage fans of celebrities as well as non celebrities to post information about celebrities and what they are up to. We like getting the scoop from fans more than media because we believe fans can offer insight that the media neglects or doesn't find important enough to mention. Also, by providing original and unique content, we feel that separates us from other celebrity blogs who only seem to publish the vomit of other more popular celebrity blogs.

Why Subscribe?

Celeb Forum offers so much to our fans:
  • Up to date Celebrity Gossip
  • Most current pictures
  • Almost celebrities
  • Celebrity forum
  • Meeting people
  • Contests
  • We support struggling artists and musicians
  • Affiliate program
  • Get paid to blog
  • Personal or family homepages

Related Celeb Forum Websites

When you are one of the hottest celebrity forum websites online, you tend to have a lot of friends. That's us. With partnered sites, we believe we can offer our fans and followers so much more. It's apart of our effort to not only talk about Famous people, but also people who deserve to be and should be famous. When we see someone with talent who seems like they would have a good chance of blowing up, we follow them. if someone has a chance to be famous or get a record deal, we want to help because no one else on the internet seems to care about the non celebrities. One thing we know and realize is that someday, they may be celebrities. So we also do a lot of stories on almost celebrities. Join our team and we will consider doing a story on you. Hey, in this game, every bit of popularity and media counts right?

Learn More About Celeb Forum

It's so easy to join and become apart of our team! Help us get the word out about celebrity and almost celebrity forum gossip. We definitely want to contribute to the world's next generation of superstars.

These are collection of interesting articles that we put together for you. Check them out and we always appreciate feedback, good or bad.


Let's Talk Celebrity Forum

Visit this celebrity blog often. Go ahead and bookmark us and let your friends know about this site.

Welcome to Celeb Forum where you are the reporter, model, celebrity, anchor, journalist or informant. Report celebrity gossip the way that you think it should be reported. If you have a YouTube gossip channel, we will promote and support you. We value you as a member and look forward to having you on our team. 

On this section of Celeb Forum you can post great posts that people will love to read and also supply juice or traffic back to your own website if you own one. If not, and you think you have what it takes to make it online, then you should contact one of our staff members about creating a free website for you that is built and geared to receive high amounts traffic, following formulas that we devise.

You don't have to be interested in building a website in order to use Celeb Forum. We are a pretty laid back Celeb Forum that allows people the opportunity to express themselves online, without offending others. We like to read your stories and content and if you have something to promote, tell us a story about it. All spam and ads will be deleted, but if you have something interesting, that you feel is worth sharing with us, then we would love to know about it.

In other words, as long as you are not spamming us and put your posts in the appropriate section of the Celeb Forum, then everyone will be happy that you provided useful content, and we will be more than happy to comment your posts. Sometimes we Facebook or Tweet these topics, which could also cause your content to actually go viral. And you have a really good original post that you haven't shared anywhere else, and we feel that it provides usefulness to the readers and Celeb Forum team, then we may even promote your posts for free.

We hope you enjoy using your forum.  If you have any problems or concerns, please feel free to ask us for assistance.

Welcome and thanks for joining our celebrity forum. We welcome your celebrity posts and topics and look forward to hearing about what's on your mind. In order to post pictures, you would simply click on profile and underneath summary and account settings will be forum profile. You will want to click that. A field at the top will appear, giving you the option to upload a picture off your pc or better yet, if your picture is already online, simply select, specify avatar by url. A duplicate will be copied in our database. I hope this helps and please let me know if you have further difficulties with anything on our celebrity forum.
