Fat Joe gives his irrelevant opinion about Colin Kaepernick
protesting the national anthem, which is essentially racist towards
black people. He says he's not cool with Karpernick sitting down during
the Star-Spangled Banner. "Having thought abotu it, I ain't with
protesting the #National Anthem. Soldiers died fighting 4 our freedom
not cops. Why disrespected them?"
Fat Joe claims that he is blacker than most black people. Why? Is it because he knows how to dress simple? Raps? Perhaps dates black women? Does he uphold stereotypes that are said of black people and somehow feel that is his black card? So tell Fat Joe... tell us... what makes you so black?
What he doesn't realize is that the National Anthem doesn't celebrate the victory of African descendants. It actually speaks of keeping them weaker, as if they were fighting for their right to mistreat black people and keep them enslaved. Now we are expected to honor the anthem. Talk about your dose of crazy.
The problem with Fat Joe could purely be intellect. Perhaps he doesn't realize that the National Anthem is racist and doesn't even know the lyrics of the song. He probably just heard people say that it was commemorating war heroes.
Let's remember who Fat Joe is. He is a street gangster rapper who has rapped about killing Blacks and Latinos in his rap lyrics. He has never stood up for people of color. But after becoming relevant for a somewhat short period of time, he now wants to fuss and complain about a fed up man not standing up for the anthem. Fat Joe has proven himself as a foe, not a friend of the people or our movements. And he is not really a good rapper. I'm just saying.

Perhaps the backlash from being vocally against the protest resulted in the rapper’s deleting of the tweet depicting his stance, or maybe he realized he needed more time to think out his opinions on the matter.
Fat Joe claims that he is blacker than most black people. Why? Is it because he knows how to dress simple? Raps? Perhaps dates black women? Does he uphold stereotypes that are said of black people and somehow feel that is his black card? So tell Fat Joe... tell us... what makes you so black?
What he doesn't realize is that the National Anthem doesn't celebrate the victory of African descendants. It actually speaks of keeping them weaker, as if they were fighting for their right to mistreat black people and keep them enslaved. Now we are expected to honor the anthem. Talk about your dose of crazy.
The problem with Fat Joe could purely be intellect. Perhaps he doesn't realize that the National Anthem is racist and doesn't even know the lyrics of the song. He probably just heard people say that it was commemorating war heroes.
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,If you ask me, the National Anthem is talking about slaves not being saved from their death. So the way I see it, in order for Fat Joe to support these lyrics, must mean that he is all for white supremacy. I'm shaking my head. But he is not alone. Many disappointing blacks came out and stood up for the National Anthem not being disrespected and some even called for a public apology. I could understand their silence and saying nothing, but to go against a stand that was morally sound is maddening. This is actually part of the reason why I don't take celebrities seriously. They all have masters and serve the corporate giants who sign their paychecks.
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth waveO’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Let's remember who Fat Joe is. He is a street gangster rapper who has rapped about killing Blacks and Latinos in his rap lyrics. He has never stood up for people of color. But after becoming relevant for a somewhat short period of time, he now wants to fuss and complain about a fed up man not standing up for the anthem. Fat Joe has proven himself as a foe, not a friend of the people or our movements. And he is not really a good rapper. I'm just saying.

Perhaps the backlash from being vocally against the protest resulted in the rapper’s deleting of the tweet depicting his stance, or maybe he realized he needed more time to think out his opinions on the matter.
Someone lost their negró,
But..he's Hispanic
Deletewe r both & that comment iz irrelavent, many uvvus who speak whatever languish that was 4cd upon us during & after the middle passage dont know wh we truly are.
DeleteHispanic refers to people who speak Spanish,but he is Rican and Cuban and a lot of them come from African Ancestry or have Black in them.Just like how Mariah looks white,but she is Black too.He is a latino that most likely comes from African decent.As far as his comment his reasoning is the fact he has folks serving and fighting for the country.
ReplyDeleteShut up Fat Joe. If you really understood freedom, you'd wouldn't make such an uninformed comment. Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and Sailors serve and died in military service to protect our freedom as outlined in the constitution. Doesn't have anything to do with the flag. The fact is, the freedom to speak, protest and for your fat ass to rap is all because of us (I say us because I'm a veteran of the US Air Force) defending the freedoms listed in the constitution. So, Kaepernick is granted that very right by the constitution. It doesn't matter whether you or anyone else likes it or not.
ReplyDeleteThank you brother u Know What you are talking about. It looks so funny to us over, That an American candidate Don't Know What ALEPPO is? NO wounder.
DeleteThis is a horribly written article. Whilst I disagree with Fat Joe's statements, this article is extremely biased and poorly written, grammar/spelling-wise.
ReplyDeleteThe bad grammar and spelling were actually quotes taken from Fat Joe. Be mad at his grammar unless you can point out specific mistakes that the writer made. Otherwise you are simply trolling. Stop acting like a filthy dirty spic!
DeleteThis is a most crucial time in our history as African American people when we should be the most cohesive and collective with so much at stake.
ReplyDeleteOn the verge of seeing our first and most probably our last Black President leave office after fighting tooth and nail to get any inititives passed(and he did against great odds and racism himself from his own party and across the isle -- which makes him the greatest President ever! -- ),we should all show a strong sense of solidarity in honor of Barack Obama and the BLM movement! No matter what!
So all of us die-hard, battle tested by the society we live in men and women of color should soldier up and tow the line for anyone that has our best interest at heart. So collectively as a people lets remember all the fake, weak-ass, sellouts like Fat Joe(punkass can't rap worth shit anyway). All the running scared celebrity athlete field n**ggers, let em keep running for their masters..lets all label them for what they are and let that be their legacy! Yup even you Sean Punkasss Pdiddy Combs! for coming out publicly criticizing Obama for not doing enough! We all thought these of all the soldiers in our ranks would man-up and tow the line, however they have decided to turn coat and take a dick...The best thing we can do is rid them from our ranks! We're only as strong as the weakest link..let em all go down in Black History as Bitch ass niggas!
Fat Joe...Ghetto Sociologist. Joe's confusing being hood with being black. Being hood doesn't make you black. Being black would mean he is offended by the 3rd verse that applauds, wishes, and hopes for the death of black slaves or as I know them, my descendants. If Joe has any black descendants which is very possible, he just spit on their graves. He doesn't feel that so, he's not black! He just co-opting the culture for money and doesn't know shit about being black beyong the hood. And doesn't care either. Joe is kinda racist to suggest he's blacker than a black man in a suit with black skin, knowledge of self and a target on his back. Joe made money off black music. That doesn't make you black or even apparently, aware.
ReplyDeleteJust fat for no good reason I guess smh.
ReplyDeleteBlacker than most Blacks? Why, because he spews the N-word all over his records? I HATE when Black folks use the N-word and refuse to allow ANYONE to call me that. But, I REALLY HATE when Latinos use it (and often, they use it more frequently). I'm not sure who gave them a 'pass' to use such a degrading term but I can tell you that if you were to casually stroll through The Bronx and yell out; "ay yo, wazgood my spic!" you'd find yourself on the other side of a major problem. Wake up Black folks. People only treat you the way you allow them to. Asians don't call themselves chinks and wouldn't stand for anyone else to do so. Collectively, we have allowed others to feel 'comfortable' disrespecting us (in part, because we do it so often and so publicly) so I'm not surprised that Joe would make such ridiculous comments. J-Lo has used the N-word in a song...she's from The Bronx too, and thinks that is perfectly okay. But she wouldn't let you call her a spic, bet that1 The Fat Joe's are our fault. Now, ask him how he feels about his beloved Puerto Rican flag, which Bronx-ites put on their cars, project windows, street poles, etc. He has right to comment, in my opinion. His people CHOSE to come here from San Juan, ours did not have that choice!