Grief & Gratitude

Each day as I witness my best friend grieve the loss of her five year old daughter, I am reminded to be thankful for my own two beautiful, healthy children. I am reminded to be aware of the blessings I have been given as a mother. My mom lost her little brother a few months back and I still see her struggling from day to day to force herself to get up, to breathe, to care about anything else. She lost a part of herself when he left, and how do you recover from the loss of your child?

I see the facebook posts daily from my friend, the pain and the suffering that her mind and heart are going through every single minute of the day, and I feel completely helpless because no matter how much I love and how much support I offer her, it will never be enough to stop the ache in her chest or fill the emptiness where Emmy was in her life. It hurts me to see her hurt so much and not be able to take it away from her.

Yes, today I am reminded that I have so many reasons to feel gratitude and peace, because at the end of the day, I am surrounded by people who love me and care for and about me. Life is definitely a journey, sometimes a crazy bumpy ride, and sometimes a stroll through the park on a sunshiny day, but it is ours to embrace regardless.

We often feel like we have nothing to give, but as I am typing this, I realize that even tho I can't work miracles and take away her pain, or my moms either, I can be Me and just continue to pay forward the love and kindness that is bestowed upon me each day; and ultimately that's the best any of us can strive for and do.
