
In the wake of recent events in Sandy Hook, CT. I felt like I needed to say something, but words have eluded me the past couple of days. I've been watching facebook and twitter posts, people expressing sympathy and support for the victims, the ones gone and the ones who remain to live with the horror of that day, and then I watch as all of the gun control posts begin; we need someone or something to blame, we need to make sense of senseless things, and instead of really looking deep, we grab something easy like lashing out at people with guns, or the people who made it possible for us to carry them.

Let me first say that I was never a supporter of the concealed weapons law, I never understood why we needed to carry guns around with us; this is not to say that I am not aware of danger or that I don't realize that there are very unwell people walking around in our world, but I still didn't feel the need to be a gun carrier or to allow others to walk around with them. That being said, guns do not kill, people kill. A gun is just a gun when it's sitting in a case, it's about the person who takes it into their hands and what they do with it that truly matters, and when it boils right down to what's real about all this, lets face it, people can steal guns, obtain them illegally etc...so law or no law, if someone wants to get their hands on a gun there are more ways than one to achieve that.

What I am wondering is how long it's going to take us as a society to wake up to mental illness? When will we start taking that seriously and educating ourselves, when will we start paying more attention to our children who might be exhibiting warning signs and actually being proactive and addressing those things, instead of standing around wringing our hands later saying stupid shit like "oh he was always so withdrawn and quiet..." We need to WAKE UP, I feel like too many people are going through life asleep at the wheel!  We have stopped talking to our kids around the dinner table at night, because there is too much x-box, TV, cell phones and any other device that has taken us away from each other. I sit in restraunts and watch couples sitting at the same table with their children and the parents are texting or doing whatever they are doing, while the kids sit there with either phones of their own or just left to sit idle while they wait for a moment of contact with their parents. It's pathetically sad to me. What have we become and who are we raising?

My heart hurts for all those children, for all the people in general who lost their lives on Friday at the hands of some sick young man. My heart hurts that nobody saw his dis-ease and was able to help him before it got to a point of no return. Mostly, I am sad for all those left here to deal with the loss and the empty places that this created in innocent peoples lives. There is far too much anger, fear, desparation and despair in this world, and if we don't get ourselves awake from the stupor that we are in, there will be no end to this kind of devastation.

for anyone that would like to reach out to the victims families in CT here is an address:

Sandy Hook Elementary School 12 Dickinson Dr. Sandy Hook, CT 06482
