How to forgive after a divorce- (I Do; forever)

How to find forgiveness after a divorce- (I Do; forever)

I said I do;
And you did too
Who would have known that
It meant just for a moment,
Who could have predicted that
Life would all just change
And we would never be the same;
Not me, not you.
Young and hopeful, living
And growing that’s who we were,
My Knight in shining armor, a kid like me;

There was no way to know
The roads would split and our paths
Would part, but we can’t be sad, but instead be glad
For all the life we experienced, the moments we shared that we each
Learned from, and the ways that each of us became better just by being together in that time and place, even though it wasn’t forever.
I never quit on us, on you or on myself
I just grew honest enough to realize that we had
Made our journey together and it was done,

I would do it all again if I had to,
And I’d do it just the same;
Lessons learned and wisdom gained; my soul

Forever changed.
I could not have gotten here
Without first being there; I thank you
From my heart for the seasons that we shared.
Pain and struggle both of us have known,
Wounds that were open, finally feeling healed.
Love and light I will always send when asking
for your protection,
For without you there would be no them;
How can my heart be anything but grateful?
In dazzling green eyes and beautiful smiles
I am reminded of a time when I said I do,
and you said it too,
And we did for the season of our forever.
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