How To Live Happy That Moment When Life Happens- The Unfolding

We breathe in and exhale slowly as we feel life happening, our senses are alive and our heart is racing, we are awake and watching The Unfolding-of our life as it plays out.

I consider myself a blessed woman, I consider myself blessed because I have been gifted with being AWAKE in my own life. Does that sentence mean anything to you? Because it means a hell of a lot to me. I remember all of the big AH-HA moments I have had spiritually and emotionally in my life, I remember them because in all of them I experienced awful pain, absolute joys, horrible lies and betrayals and heartfelt laughter and love. I grew so much from each experience and continue to learn and grow through this life I live. The miraculous part of it comes when you look back over a series of events and can finally understand WHY certain things happened and how it taught you something; I have been blessed so beautifully in my life with great people, no, Grand people; people who are some of the cornerstones of my world.

Something big is about to happen in my life; I say that because I can feel it. I have watched a series of events unfold, almost as though I am outside looking in, peering into experiences from some other vantage point, it’s all leading me somewhere amazing.

kid smiling happily with pet

Do I Deserve To Find Happiness?

I met a couple in our store about 2 months ago, a man and his wife from Houston, TX who had newly moved here for job reasons. We got talking as she was trying on clothes and he said something to me 3x during that brief encounter that stuck with me, “It’s always darkest right before the dawn; good things are coming just be patient. Now don’t forget that I said that to you, ya hear?” He told me about connections he made in the dept of edu and gave me his email address and asked me to send him my website link (with all of my writing). I lost that paper and I was just sick about it, because something in me felt like those people had a purpose in my life, I felt it through the whole interaction with them, the way they spoke and the way they looked at me so genuinely; those people were meant to cross my path. I could not get them out of my head and I prayed about it everynight, I asked The Powers that Be to help me find it if was something that was meant for me to help better my life. As I said, it’s been about two months since then and still no luck finding it. I just kept talking to God though, sometimes even pleading perhaps, because I couldn’t shake the feeling that something good was meant for me and I was careless and lost the paper.

Two days ago I dropped my debit card in a gas station and didn’t realize it until 24 hours later. In my process of elimination, I dug thoroughly under my car seats, and in every crevice in the car; as I am rolling the drivers seat back, I see a small folded piece of paper appearing from under my seat; I started to disregard it and something made me reach to pick it up. I opened the paper and inhaled sharply as I read the writing and realized I had found the piece of paper I couldn’t forget.

happy woman stretching arms in a field of grass

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The Unfolding of Life - A Woman On A Journey

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