Prayer has the Power to heal everything if you just trust in theprocess.-(On Bended Knee)

Prayer has the Power to heal everything if you just trust in the process.

Today was a really eye opening day in my life, I actually had no idea when I woke up this morning, if I was going to have a job when I layed my body down tonight, but I am thankful to say that I do. Sometimes life pushes us to this horrendous point where we feel as though we will just break; emotionally, mentally, spiritually, all of it! I was there last night and into this morning; pondering the direction of my life and weighing out options, and feeling more lost and confused as I have in a while.

I spent an evening commiserating with my girlfriends and enjoying alot of laughs; we woke up this morning and had our own church session together. We cried, we laughed, we listened to some of our favorite uplifting songs, and we prayed together; it was truly a beautiful moment with important women in my life. I'm blessed by such good people in my space.

Everything changed as we took the time to re-connect ourselves to the Source, and disconnect from all the human elements that were infecting our minds and threatening to override our faith. Ask me if prayer works in my life and I will stand and yell from the rooftops that prayer has carried me through every single day of my existence on earth. I am blessed and protected.

Good night and sweet dreams to you...

