Retail Politics - Retailing Business

Retail Politics - Retailing Business

presidential speech

Retail Politics plays an important role in our work ethic. So lately there has been a lot of change happening in regards to my job again, for the second time in 8 months I was put in the Store Manager position, and then had it moved out from under me only to be replaced by someone younger, with less experience. Go figure.

Looking back over the time I was in the SM position, I know there were things lacking, and I now realize that perhaps I was too closely involved with my staff emotionally, those girls became my TEAM, they became part of my extended family in many ways, because how can you spend so much of your time with people and not get attached? However, I think that I allowed that to override the need at times to be as stern as I should have been about some issues, but what I clearly saw was that my psyche and human development background gave me insight into some of the mental mechanics of some of these folks, and in understanding those things, I felt like I operated from that knowledge and not from a strictly generic business perspective. Is that wrong? Is it wrong to genuinely care for others, as opposed to just viewing them all as tools in the tool box? I don’t know, but I guess in a way I’m wondering these days. I’m not sure I have the desire to be part of that world, alas, I write and I write with the hopes that one day this will be what puts food on my table and keeps the lights on, while I am traveling the world just for fun. J I don’t dream small!

Retailing Business

I learned how one negative attitude can affect an entire group of people, I found myself feeling like I was going to work and dealing with certain personalities from my past; the ex husband for sure, a life sucking force of nature. I don’t think anyone realizes how draining it is to be around people who you feel you constantly have to be trying to pull out of their own darkness, I am compassionate and I know darkness of my own all too well, and I know that at times I have probably been the life sucking force in others lives; thankfully I have people in my world who care for me enough to be rough when need be and snap me out of my self pity parties, but some people can’t take constructive criticism now matter how you try to serve it up. Sometimes when we do something to “help” someone else, it looks more like being thrown under a bus to them, they retreat into “victim” mode immediately and feel as though the world is trying to do them in. I also know that feeling very well, but in the end, it hopefully causes the person to re-evaluate the effect they have on people around them, and how there are affecting their own well being too. And in that process, by the grace of God, we see that we were never really an enemy, someone just actually cared about us enough to call out the self defeating actions that we had in hopes that we would face them and make change in our Self, so that we could be happier healthier humans; and of course there are some who will just never look at themselves honestly and will always play the victim, we have to have those people to make the world go ‘round too I suppose.
Business Of Politics Retail

Once again, I am faced with a deceitful manager who even though she preaches about “no gossiping” etc…is the first to quiz people and start conversations about others, fishing, I’m sure, for something she can use. Knowledge is power someone wise once said to me, and I now fully appreciate the statement. It’s amazing what you learn and see when you step back and just get still and watch and listen. I have withdrawn from this battle clearly; I don’t care enough about that store, or the company anymore to do any more than is necessary, I’ve lost respect for my leaders to the point that I view them as nothing more than pimples on the ass of a bum. Yea, I said it, and I mean it. I’m glad that I have matured to the point in my life that when push comes to shove I don’t need to drag anyone else into the shit to make my point, I don’t need to speak for others or use others to defend myself, I OWN my actions, thoughts and words all the way, I take credit for no one but myself, and I speak for no one but myself unless otherwise asked to represent. I made the mistake of trusting certain people for sure, even though I knew very well the kind of character they were in this story, but even in that, I have found lessons and today is a new day…one that I will surely not make the same mistakes again. So go ahead and slither through the grass, I know you’re there anyway, and I will be sure to keep the eyes in the back of my head wide open.

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