Trials and Tribulations- (The Awakening)

Trials and Tribulations- (The Awakening)

It's not always easy to understand why we get hurt, why we get betrayed and let down but once we awaken to life and the flow of it, we come to understand the trials and tribulations we must endure to reach our destination.

At first glance I thought you were the answer to the prayer I prayed, and eventually it made me question what exactly I was praying for because what you had to offer me was not what I signed up for. Part of being awake on this journey is recognizing that we get what we focus our energy on more often than not, so what are we really focusing on? Is it getting us the results we want?

I fell in love with an enigma; I thought I saw one thing, but found myself grasping things that were never actually there. Perhaps I wanted to see Love so badly that I was blinded by that infamous “light.”

Who knows?

But at the end of the day, it wasn’t as special to you as it was to me; for you it was just another day, another experience, another moment…for me it was life altering. It changed me; it grew me; sometimes it hurt me to the core of my being; but ultimately you gifted me.

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