What Is The Secret - Day 1 of 30 My Journey

What Is The Secret?

This is my personal diary of my 30 day commitment to THE SECRET......

What Is The Secret?

My 30 day Experiement with THE SECRET:
Have you read or heard about The Secret? If not, I highly suggest you just take some time and check it out...it's worth finding out about. I have been in a real shitty cycle in my life for too long it feels like, and I have decided to really, with concerted effort, put forth the work to put the Law of Attraction to the test in my life.
I want to state my intent here on this page; I want to commit to a life change and be more faithful than I have ever been with anything. I really want to rise to this experiment with the Universe and prove to myself beyond anymore reasonable doubt that I am as powerfully part of God as  He and She are a  part of Me. I KNOW it, I feel it, but yet I still falter and lose my step now and then, I want to be FAITHFULLY COMMITTED to changing my life for the better with the power of my thoughts and the focus of my energy.

It’s Spring time, it’s a season of newness and growth, so what better time to grow myself? If I were to paint a picture of the kind of happiness I aspire to, it would be a writing career that supports me beyond mere existence, but allows me to enjoy life and help others around me; and the time to just volunteer to the sexual assault center and the hospice program. Both were some of the most rewarding experiences of my life in so many ways, I grew so much during those moments with those people.

So starting today, right now in this very moment I am in, I am going to commit to positive energy and thoughts. Every day I am going to journal about my day, about the blessings I received in that day. I’m not going to get caught up in writing sadness or weariness, because I am stronger than that now, I know too much to go backwards anymore. So onward I go...
