Jay Z & Barnes Nobles - You Mad Bro?

Jay Z & Barnes Nobles - You Mad Bro?

Let us not forget that Jay Z is a gangster rapper after all. So petitions created to get him to end his business ventures with Barney's sounds pretty pathetic. It's no secret that Barneys New York Luxury Store does not have a written or unwritten policy to profile customers based on race. But when complaints from two black shoppers about being profiled surfaced, this led to an outrage.

The two customers were detained by police officers on suspicion of credit card fraud after they purchased the over priced items from the luxury store with their real credit cards. When black people buy expensive items from the store, they are automatically profiled, it appears. There are many lawsuits against the company now for racial profiling black consumers.

Jay Z, notorious gangster rapper, met with the department store along with Rev Al Sharpton only to announce that he would continue his dealings with Barneys. Why is this surprising to anyone. If you have ever listened to Jay Z's lyrics, you would know that he is a hustler. This is what he has claimed to be and these lyrics led to him being the richest rap artist in the history of rap music. This philosophy and thinking led to tons of multi platinum records.

According to the report, Barneys did not "request, require nor initiate the actions of the New York Police Department." Employees did not determine that either customer should be questioned, and didn't take any action on the belief that they had committed a crime.

The police department has disputed the claims and given differing accounts, saying that officers took action after conferring with Barneys employees.

"In both instances, NYPD officers were conducting unrelated investigations and took action after conferring with Barneys employees while in their security room," John McCarthy, the police department's chief spokesman, has said.

It's a shame to think that just because of the success this rap entertainer has amassed, that anyone should ask him to change his entire philosophy. Jay Z has classified himself as leader of any sort. He also never claimed to be anyone's role model. In fact, most gangster rappers quickly abandon any notions of wanting to be a role model. This is business after all. Why should Jay Z change all of a sudden? It's not who he is. His fans knew that when they purchased his albums and attended his sold out shows. Why would you ask the devil to be kind or generous? (Not to say that Jay Z is the devil but just a comparison.)

Maybe parents will monitor more carefully the content of music their children listen too. When it comes down to it, these entertainers don't care about the fans or the public. They care about their fame and fortune. That's what is important to Jay Z and obviously his wife Beyonce too. Yet, time and time again, these are the role models that children choose with no guidance from their parents about who to make their icons. And this is the result.

Jay Z is a multi millionaire and living the life of his dreams, thanks to the fans. Don't expect consideration or a thank you. Just pop in your Jay Z album so you can be reminded of the type of mind that you have supported through the years. And don't forget to purchase the plastic 700 dollar pair of overpriced sunglasses while you are listening to the icon tell you about how good of a hustler and pimp he is.

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