XRasp Scam - Facebook Malware Problem

“This is crazy dwight I lost 13pounds so quickly taking these yummy drops by DrOz my friend jess shared with me. I can not believe it really worked! Get yours here, I hope you guys like it! Type in the web-site with no spaces———> www .XRasp. com”
“This is so awesome I lost 13pounds so fast using these tasty drops by DrOz my friend jess shared with me. I can not believe it actually works! Get yours here, I hope you all like it! Type in the web-site with no spaces———> www .XRasp. com ”
“This is amazing darren I lost 13 pounds soo fast using these yummy drops by DrOz my friend jen showed me. I cant believe it works! Get yours here, I hope you guys like it! Type in the web-site with no spaces———> www .XRasp. com ”

Warning From CelebGossip.net, If you are curious about this website, please don't click on it. If you do, they will get into your facebook account and start spamming... it's a never ending process. Please share and like this post so that others can be aware of Spammy scams like this and people that hijack your private account information. Hopefully, the proper authorities will find who is responsible for this nonsense and deal with them legally.
Update your Facebook accounts immediately so you don't accidentally spread this garbage and help these buffoons to keep spamming everyone. Xrasp.com is a hoax.

Facebook authorities has taken action about this already. You cannot share any of the link attached to any shared link because Facebook will automatically disregard the link or any picture to share with the link in it. The spam I guessed is always about weight lost. People are into this, weight lost. So it will give people an idea to click it because they are conscious of the link what is it really. I therefore would rather not click or need to delete any tagged link to my Facebook than become a victim. Thanks for this info.

 This gets on my nerves... This Xrasp.com still is circulating on Facebook and has not died down yet. Facebook is turning into a haven for spam. Ugghh!
