Was It All A Dream?

The light from the computer had shined bright in the dark abyss that was my basement. This night something seemed particularly different about my computer. It felt like there was this presence with me in the room. A human presence. But that was ridiculous and I don't really particularly believe all that ghost nonsense. I do, however, believe that people are able to pick up on the energy of other people - live energy. But that was impossible. No one was in the basement with me. I was alone, working on my various projects.
I was getting tired, so I went over to the sofa and begin thinking and plotting my plans on taking over the world. It's what I do when I have time to ponder, as I am sort of a dreamer. World peace, ending war, feeding the hungry... I think of ways those sort of things can be achieved. But the light from my laptop was really bugging me. If I didn't know any better, I would imagine that a person was trapped in my computer, but that could only be my wild imagination entertaining me. As I walked to turn off my computer, I heard these creepy sounds. It sounded like alien noises but it was probably my pc about to crash.
Then a voice from my computer said, "Don't turn me off!" I was mystified by all of this. What a coincidence, I had thought to myself. It's as if my labtop was responding to me. I reached for the off switch on the laptop again and a song started playing. It was weird because I hadn't opened up any media applications. Okay, I thought to myself. This must be a computer virus or some type of bug. But it wasn't.
Then a mysterious array of numbers and computer code started appearing on my screen. My desktop completely vanished.  "I am Alicia." Wow. I thought to myself. Some weird stuff going on with my laptop right now. The mysterious code started to assimilate. Before my very eyes I say colors and an image started to appear on my screen. The next thing I know I was looking at a beautiful woman. I knew this face. It was a face that had come up often in my Google searches lately. Jennifer Sheriff. She was a model that I had developed sort of a crush on. I think I searched her so many times that now she just seems to pop up all the time. And the fact that she is talking to me through my laptop must mean that I am dreaming about her.
"I've seen your face before. You are a model," I said to the voice in my laptop.
"My name is Alicia. I am not who you think I am."
"Then who are you and what do you want?"
"I am not within your realm. I have used data from cache files on your laptop to greet you in the most pleasant manner I am able. I exist galaxies away. I am part of a singular intelligence from a collective life force from a dying planet outside of your galaxy."
"Wow. This is definitely one realistic dream I am having."
"I can assure you that you are not dreaming. I am quite real and our engagement with one another is also quite real."
"Sure, if you say so. An intergalactic intelligence from outside the boundaries of my realm has decided to contact planet earth. And of all the possible sources it could contact, it just coincidentally happened to contact little ole me through my laptop in my basement. I don't think I am dreaming. The only other explanation is that you must be some type of really bad ass hacker," I explained to the image on my laptop computer. It was kind of scary, talking to my laptop.
"It is very important that you listen to what I have to tell you," said Alicia, the woman inside my laptop.
"Sure," I said, convinced that this was an elaborate prank. "By all means, give me this message that you have traveled the depths of the universe to give me. I am sure it must be important." I waited patiently to see what the voice in my laptop was going to say to me. But there were no words. Only fuzz on my laptop and then images that were followed by sound. What I saw amazed me.
I saw images of planet earth, being swallowed up by fire and flames. Huge rocket ships that fell from the sky and caused immense pain and death. It was like I was watching the end of the world happen, right on my laptop. The images were horrifying. I saw young children screaming while fire slid down there fragile bodies disintegrating them whole. It was damnation. Nothing seemed cgi or created in any type of studio. These images were better than anything I have ever seen Hollywood do. "How did you do this?" I questioned. "These graphics are amazing."
"I can assure you," said the pretty lady in my laptop, "That these graphics are actual footage I came across about your world."
"I have to tell you a story, and you must listen to every word." I nodded my head, still in disbelief. "In 15 years from today's present date, there is going to be a terrible war. These are video compilations of that tragedy. I am an explorer. We were searching for life in other realms to study and I came across your realm. I was intrigued by your planet. It seems to me that your planet is designed in a way that every living thing must consume another living thing in order to survive there. Some planets are cursed. There are some energy sources that are so dangerous that God has displaced them a far distance in the universe away from other planets and life so that they may not harm other forms of life."
"You mean being on planet earth is a punishment?"
"No. It's a lesson. God wouldn't punish you."
"Do you believe in God in your realm?"
"Yes of course. He speaks to us. We all have close relationships with God. The fact that he is omnipresent means that we can see him whenever we please."
"Sounds great. Most people on my planet don't believe in such a person."
"I have read the history of your planet. God appeared once, to try and guide you humans through your exile. You see, you people were bad in your previous consciousness. Before you were exiled to planet earth. You caused war and famine. You were disobedient. You didn't show compassion and you tried to destroy all you touched. God doesn't destroy life. He creates it. Because He loved you so much, he exiled you in hopes that you would one day find peace. He then beamed a likeness of Himself into a lady that you know as Saint Theresa and tried to tell you your purpose. A great book was written that you humans call the Bible. This was supposed to guide your existence on the planet. However, it was in your nature to disagree and avoid truth. Soon new stories were fabricated and there was chaos. Many different religions that all teach a different perspective of the exact same events. The opposite reaction happened than God planned. Soon you humans were killing because you didn't agree with a certain outlook of God's word.
"You did the opposite of God wanted you to do. In time, the Bible was used as a tool to control humans. Once you were God's favorite, you see. Some people from my realm sometimes visit yours to try and guide you. You call us angels. Some of us really don't see the need for your life to continue. One of our angels, Satan, has corrupted the human mind and vowed to make sure that you destroy yourselves so God will not have to. Once humans prove that they are unworthy to exist, your planets fate will be to go what you call supernova and your existence will be sucked into a black hole. Your consciousness will no longer continue and black holes don't follow the rules of the universe. It is the only place where energy can be destroyed. You will be no more, human."
"Why are you telling me this?" I said to the apparition in my laptop. "Why should I hear this? Why tell me something that I cannot control?"
"In time. I simply would like to see humanity avoid this point in time. But my rationalization allows me to see the truth. In 30 billion years, when your sun goes nova, humanity will already be extinct. It will be a desolate place, like your Mars. Is this what you want?"
"What could I do to fix that?"
"I believe, you call it the butterfly effect. You asked why you were chosen. Why I picked you. You said you were not important. But you have no idea the power that one person has in the universe. If you punch a stranger in the face for no reason today, a war could start up 10 thousand years from now. All because of a single event. If you help a lady across a street tomorrow, two hundred years from now, there may be world peace. What we do know about the universe is that good begets good and bad begets bad."
"So I am suppose to believe that you have unlimited insight about the universe and even that you know the creator and have tea with God?"
"Is what I am telling you really that hard to believe?"
"Yes, it is inconceivable."
"Will you walk with me earthling?"
"Sure. How about you just appear out of the computer and we kiss? Ha ha"
"I have a better idea." And it was at that moment that I saw the most beautiful lights I had ever witnessed. The colors were so vivid and bright. In fact, I am positive that I have seen colors that I have never seen before, if that's even possible. Then those colors just turned into spots of nothing. I felt my soul leave my body. Trust me, and I wasn't even sure that souls were real. But that's the only way I can explain this feeling.
Then my body reappeared again, at a place I have never been. "Where am I?"
"Would you like that kiss human?"
"I said where am I?"
"Ah.. you are sound asleep in your basement. On the sofa. I believe you are snoring."
"So I was right. This is just a vivid dream"
"You could think of it as that, since you are dreaming this now, however, this event is real and I am real. Your body won't experience the events that you see before you. But your energy is experiencing everything. I am real. I cannot transport your body past the void in space that you are banished. "
"Where are you going to take me? What do you want to show me?"
"I believe you humans would call the place we are about to embark... paradise."
The beautiful woman kissed me. It was like no other kiss. There was a radiant passion and I could taste the sweetness of her lips as they pressed against mine. I was comforted by her kiss. And she explained to me how me doing more positive deeds in the world would accumulate and cause warps in the timeline of humanity. How it could spread and become viral and possibly allow humanity to escape from the inevitable demise of our existence. Why God stopped talking to humans and the meaning of faith. She explained to me that God was not angry with humans, but merely disappointed. The way a computer engineer would be disappointed with software that they created. That most of our spirits are billions of years old and that some have already escaped the banishment of mankind, simply by learning to be loyal and loving beings, capable of receiving God's love and connecting with the universe. It was life being explained to me, simply so I could become a better human being. I only tell you this story to share my wisdom this entity has given me.
When I woke up, my computer was fine. The entity hasn't visited me since and I could have convinced myself that I merely had a wonderful dream. But I remember the kiss and the future that was shown to me. I don't believe it was a dream. I believe I really spoke to this advanced life form from outside of our galaxy. Maybe I am not supposed to have proof. Because if I had proof, then I wouldn't need faith. And once I think about it, what value is my life without faith?
