COON ALERT! Sheriff David Clarke Incites Racial Tension Again

Sheriff David Clarke - the relentless COON, incited racial tension likened to that of a 'lynch mob' at a Trump conference. Stating; 'it is pitchfork and torches time in America!'
The Republican Party is the United States’ largest de facto white identity organization. Its primary electoral strategy for the last 50 years has consisted of using a combination of overt white racism and subtle “dog whistles” to win white voters.

Our government, our institutions are corrupt. Our IRS is going after law-abiding American groups who have different political views than the White House. The FBI, not the agents, but the higher-ups at the FBI colluding with the Clinton campaign. And it's just amazing to me that my tweets -- they're pretty good, by the way -- my tweets get more attention from the lame-stream media than Julian Assange and Wikileaks are getting right now. 
I'll tell you what Wikileaks has got to be envious with all the attention my tweets are getting. I said the other day maybe they should have started out each week with this phrase: it is pitchfork and torches time in America! 
I tell you what, I've been to a lot of rallies all across the United States and I cannot believe the enthusiasm and the energy that Donald Trump's supporters are exhibiting right now. This is amazing. And being a veteran of elections I know that come election day your base has to be highly motivated, highly energizing. You want them almost enraged where they can't wait to get to the polls to cast a vote for Donald J. Trump. 
Stay strong. Find new voters. Get them to the polls. Like I said, and I will continue to say, it is pitchfork and torches time in America!
 The US, founded on white supremacist institutions and bigotry.

First of all, 'no one' on either side has 'ever' talked about taking away or repealing the 2nd amendment.  Most of the US, wants reasonable gun control laws, which if you read the US Constitution - the 2nd Amendment explicitly allows for restrictions.
Having a federal background check, restricting those on the terrorist watch list from getting guns and closing the gun show loop hole all make sense. If you don't have a felony or are a terrorist, you would have no problem getting a gun. It takes some time to get a credit card or driver's license, and it should not be any easier to get a gun.
Everyone who runs scared of 2nd Amendment rights, also often yell about the US' security and terrorism. Yet all of these risk deaths from gun violence; 30,000 deaths per year come from gun violence.
The UK with no guns has only a couple hundred gun-related deaths per year. How do you explain that?  Is the UK not a free country?  The UK also has more open borders than the US.
There is also absolutely no reason for assault rifles. You shouldn't be hunting with one, and a pistol or rifle is all you need to protect your home or hunt.
Donald Trump’s KKK stamp of approval: The Klan gives a de facto endorsement to the Trump campaign on the front page of its newspaper

On the real vision people need to be scared; this country is founded on the 1st amendment, freedom of speech. Yet Donald Trump demonizing the media, restricting journalism he doesn't like, threatening to open up liable laws to go after journalist, are all signs of his desire to restrict the 1st Amendment.
His consistent lie telling in the light of media demonizing and journalist restrictions is the definition of government controlled propaganda. That's the thing that should keep you up at night.

As well as his disregard for the law, challenges to our judicial system, thoughts of replacing the generals, disrespect for the judicial system, desire to implement racial tests for immigration and his blame for a whole set of societal working class woes on another class of people.

New research by political scientist Michael Tesler, shows the power of this strategy: “Old-fashioned” overt racism now predicts if a given white voter will support the Republican Party. Public opinion polling data from Reuters/Ipso has revealed that Trump’s supporters are more likely than other Republican voters to believe that black people are more “criminal,” “unintelligent,” “lazy” and “violent” than white people. Demographics are important here as well: The Republican Party’s base is about 90 percent white while the Democratic Party’s constituency is multiracial and multi-generational.

Donald Trump is the current standard bearer for the Republican Party and a political moment when conservatism and racism are now fully and nakedly one and the same thing. This is why white nationalists such as David Duke — as well as the other bigots and hatemongers who constitute the so-called alt right — have flocked to Trump’s candidacy and embraced him as their champion and delivery system for mainstreaming their regressive white supremacist beliefs into the American body politic.

Moreover, this is not a claim that Trump is guilty by mere association or endorsement. Trump’s proposed policies are racist and nativist: He has suggested that Hispanic and Latino “illegal” immigrants are running amok in the street while they kill and rape white people. He believes that African-Americans in the age of Obama live in a dystopic hell worse than slavery and Jim and Jane Crow. And in violation of the Constitution he wants to ban Muslims from the United States while placing the ones already here on an enemies’ list.
