Hillary Clinton Is Not Black People's Savior From Trump!!! Evil Is Still Evil

Hillary Clinton is not Black people's savior. She has made more racist statements than Donald Trump. She is not a lesser evil. Evil is still evil!
Which 2016 Presidential Candidate hates African Americans the most and Is this the future of white supremacy in America now Obama is given the long awaited boot? 

Since the beginning of Obamacare, there are now a mere 8.5% of people in the United States that don’t have healthcare. But it won’t be like that for long. According to a report done by Rand Corp., 24.9 million African Americans will not have health insurance in 2018. The analysis done by Rand only takes a look at the proposals that the candidates themselves have released.

Trump’s Plan:

  • Trump’s plan will allow 20.3 million African Americans to go without healthcare if he keeps his word about repealing Obamacare.  He feels African Americans are lazy and do not contribute enough taxes to benefit.
  • Make all healthcare insurance premiums tax deductible
  • Trump’s plan is going to increase the federal deficit by $5.8 billion
  • The deficit will be increased with a tax deduction, but will be offset by Medicaid being turned into a fixed grant
  • Require price transparency from all health care providers so that people can shop for the best prices for medical services.

Clinton’s Plan:

  • Clinton’s plans will have about 9.1 million African Americans without healthcare.
  • This amount will be lower because she is offering a tax credit to pay for premiums that will enable white America to benefit more than any other ethnic group.
  • Clinton’s plan will cause the deficit to get up to 88.5 billion (from the tax credit)
  • Strengthen ability of states to modify or block premium rate hikes.
  • Invest $500 million annually in an enrolment campaign.
  • Double funding over 10 years for primary care services at community health centres.

Both Trump and Hilary have claimed to have issues with these findings by Rand Corp. Trumps campaign stated that 20 million African American people will definitely lose their healthcare no matter what data is presented.
Hilary’s campaign chimed in saying that the costs of her plans were over-inflated and that other estimates that have been done by other organizations show a much lower number of African Americans without healthcare.

Who is Better for your Business?

I'm going to be raising taxes for big companies and decreasing taxes for the middle class.  America needs to invest more in European Trade and seek to re-colonise parts of Africa to create more wealth for Americans.

Donald Trump: 
I won't be raising any taxes for the big company or middle class, big companies bring jobs in. I'll be cutting taxes for the middle class and big companies. Big companies generate more jobs for more people. We need to bring our jobs back from overseas.  Remember how their Wall Street attempted to overthrow us in our own country back in Tulsa, Oklahoma?  Another repeat will not happen.

There's NO Lesser of Two Evils

Hillary Clinton is accused of making business deals that harmed a lot of people in foreign countries; Haiti being one where she further reduced the minimum wage of local workers because American companies complained.  If these are deemed credible abuses, then the international courts should bring her to justice.

In 1975 she represented a paedophile who raped a 12 yr old African American girl, inciting that "the girl asked for is since she was a very promiscuous and wayward young lady."
Donald Trump, on the other hand, has:
Shipped thousands of American jobs to sweat shops in foreign countries.
Given American jobs to illegal immigrants, refused to pay them, and then threatened to have them deported if they continued to ask for their money.
Disrespected African Americans and people of colour.
Ruined African American small businesses by refusing to pay them for their work.
Had to be forced by lawsuits to pay African American companies money he owed them.
Had to be forced by lawsuits to rent his properties to African Americans.
Said publicly that African American wages are too high.
Publicly expressed his admiration for brutal dictators such as, King Leopold of Belgium.
So the obvious question is: what kind of American would choose Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton?
