What is the most unhealthiest food in the world to eat? Yes, soul food, which is unfortunately a traditional meal for many African Americans. Soul Food consists of foods slaves despised eating but had no choice because their so-called masters fed them scraps that even their dogs were privileged not to eat.
Slaves were intelligent enough to make meals out of the scraps that they were handed, and some stories even tell of their so-called masters going to eat with the slaves because they prepared their meals better and much more tastier.
Soul food is not healthy to eat and is the wrong type of food to eat traditionally. As we become more health conscious and aware of the type of foods that do us no good, we need to improve on our traditional values. Black people have some of the worst health statistics and this is marginally linked to poor dietary habits and the consumption unhealthy foods; especially in poor areas where the quality of food is below standard.
As the descendants of slavery, we have a right to honor them with what we know as soul food. But traditions come from the heart and soul. Let's turn soul food into a healthy menu and serve foods that are actually good for our soul as well our bodies. Fried chicken? Baked chicken can be prepared to taste even better with ingenuity and creativity. Food also feeds the brain. This means that once an unhealthy diet is changed to a healthy one, the brain becomes nourished better. Yes, foods can control the mind too. Let's think about that when we choose to eat unhealthily and live unhealthy lives.
Where Does Soul Food Come From?
Since the days of slavery, black people have been whipping up dishes of perfection that was made mainly from scraps and leftovers. Soul food wasn't invented on purpose, but more by a mistake. In the early development of the U.S., there weren't many resources available for slaves. They would take what they could salvage and make do.
Traditions are meant to be broken! African Americans and descendants of slaves do not have to carry on the same unhealthy traditions as our ancestors who had no choice. Times have changed and we should have the impetus to become more health conscious. We know that meat is unclean, and pork, chitterlings (pig's intestines), pigs nose, ears, and even tongue aren't even the best cuts of meat. If you value your health, then you shouldn't eat this mess!
Slaves Didn't Choose To Eat Soul Food - They Had No Choice!
Through generations of using creativity, recipes were passed down. You have to be a very creative person to take something as filthy and disgusting as pig guts and turn it into a family favorite. Soul food in itself isn't what is so amazing, but what it came from speaks volumes about a brilliant generation of slaves who could create such gastronomical mouth-watering food.
For black people to make food taste good in those days, they had to call it. . . "Soul Food." It was created during hard times and under inhumane circumstances, which is why it had to be made from' the soul' and with lots of love in order for it taste good.
When you think of:
Fried chicken, Green beans, Collard greens, Cornbread, Hush puppies, Johnnycakes, Pork, Fried fish, Pigs feet, Ham hocks, Pig ears, Chitterlings, Hog jowl and Sweet tea, You might start thinking about African American soul food. Today, soul food is prevalent all around the world. Though the hard times of slavery that created soul food has long passed, today there are a great number of restaurants who prepare and sell soul food for people from all cultures and backgrounds.
Is Soul Food Healthy To Eat?
Soul food cooking has never been healthy and people who eat soul food should eat in moderation and with care. You have to remember that soul food was created from scraps and were disregarded as food that was unfit for slave owners to eat. However, slave masters noticed an increased performance in slaves who ate the collard greens. They became more stronger and exhibited great skill and endurance in labor. Collard greens are a dark green vegetable and is rich in vitamin C and iron. The juice from the collard greens can be consumed as well and is extremely fortifying.
Although soul food has been around for quite some time, and is enjoyed by everyone, there are health matters to consider as most of it is not good for you. Not good for your body, but perhaps a delight to your soul.
We all know that what we put into our bodies will affect our health and it is important to make sure that we consume the correct food so that our bodies can perform the way we want. There are many health risks that are associated with foods that we eat and the fact that many people still eat soul food could explain certain health risk factors that are prevalent within the African American culture.

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